
How to become a member of BITS

Unlike so many bowling clubs across Australia, where overall membership numbers are in decline, we are really pleased to be able to say that our numbers are on the up and up.

If you want to play bowls in Queensland you will need to become a full bowling member of a club. This will give you open access to all forms of the game, whether it be social games, club championships, pennants, district opportunities or entry to club carnivals and all state events. Once your bowling membership application has been approved by either  the mens or ladies committee, your club membership will also give you the chance to become involved in all aspects of club life and enable you to run for an office bearer’s position, should you wish. Our little club is thriving, thanks to the efforts and commitment of our dedicated membership.

If you are a current bowler who is looking for a change of scenery, it won’t matter if you are local, are already a registered bowler in Queensland or are moving from interstate. We’re here to help make your move to BITS as smooth as possible.

If you are new to bowls, a very good starting place would be with our Travelling Bowlers (Fishos) who meet every alternate Sunday throughout the year for a BBQ Breakfast, a game of bowls and a fair bit of banter. You don’t even need to own a set of bowls. We will sort out a set for you to use.

Likewise, if you are just looking for a bit of social companionship and a place to relax, our non-bowlers join as social members for either one year or three years for a modest fee of $10 or $20 respectively. Social members can join the club immediately and enjoy our facilities on the same day.

You can find all of our membership forms (Mens, Ladies & Social) by clicking here:  Membership Forms

If you need help or have any questions, give us a call or use the contact form on this page to leave a message with us. We will get back to you and guide you through the process.

So, please do get in touch. We look forward to welcoming you to the club.